Excellent job. Keep up the good work. Don Gorsline
The article by Nell Collins was excellent! She is all she appears to be...a godly woman. I met her years ago and she had such an impact on my Christian life. Thanks for the nice website.
the article by Dr Nell Collins was excellent she is a godly woman. she has had a great impact on my christian life. through her bible studies her prayer and encouragment and her love for the lord . greatweb page god bless barb lacy
Your website is very special and needed. My mama just told me about it and this is my first time visiting. I am glad to be able to refer others to this site. Priscilla Marsceau is one of my younger sisters. She is a precious lady and I feel honored to call her not just sister but friend, even though we are distanced by miles. Her testimony blessed my heart.
Dear Friends,
I received one of your "business cards" from my Sunday School teacher. I have followed what God is doing in your lives at church. What a blessing to visit your web page. What an exciting ministry. I would like to purchase some of these cards to hand out to others. Even Greenville is more tender to the Gospel since September 11. I was amazed how people on Main Street seemed eager to take Gospel tracts. I would love to share your web-site with hurting people. I can be reached at drfk5@highstream.net. Thanks and God bless!
Our father which art in heaven hallow be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven!**! Lord be with those in a time of need in sorrow as 2 months have passed we still stand tall one and all for america!**! We are the land of the free and the home of the brave..
WE ARE PROUD TO STAND FOR USA ***Mandy*** Orangie991@hotmail.com
Dear Brother Maher, Thank you for witing a piece for "No Tears In Heaven". While I have not been born with an affliction, my heart is litterly broken. You see, My granddaughter and daughter were shot down over the Amazon in Peru. I know they are with our Saviour and that gives me a peace that I cannot explain. Still, I long for the day when we will be together again, and that is the blessed hope that yearns within my heart.
I am the president of the ladies mission program at Marcus Pointe Baptist church in Pensacola, FL and I want you to know that we pray for you at every meeting.
God Bless you for taking time to uplift someonw with a broken heart. I long for the day there will be no more tears!!
Gloria Luttig
This is a beautiful site and a loving tribute to the victims. I knew one of them. Keep up the good work.
Cliff, I visited your site tonight and was deeply touched. I had no idea that your family had gone through such a trying time.I know you told me the story, but until I read it for myself it didn't quite register. Know that you and your family will be in my prayers and that through God all things are possible.
Hi there to each and everyone, What a beautiful site and a truly needed one in this day and age where depression, anger, brokeness and fear are most often the resulting leftovers to tragic situations. I too can testify to the power of God and his peace which surpasses all understanding. Our baby son was born in 1997 and lived but a brief 8 weeks of life suffering for most of it yet I was carried through with hardly a tear because I felt such out of this world peace. I continue to share his story because this peace is so wonderful and God so cared for me, that I cannot ever rest with this knowledge when others hurt and suffer. We can surely trust God even in death and suffering and he does carry us so very tenderly. God Bless one and all. (peartfamilyinc@dingoblue.net.au)
Cliff enjoyed your web site! Thanks
Lloyd at the Hippensteal Inn in Gatlinburg
David, I did visit your web site as you suggested and was overcome with the love that radiates from your family and your personal testimony. God bless you! xo Leslie Gardner
I will live strong through night and day because I'm not ready to walk into heaven, but when I am I know there will be no tears in heaven.
Mr,Gribick and family: My name is Stacy and I work at Regional Finance in Greer,Sc. I just wanted to tell you that Lukes testimony touched my heart and I am praying for you guys...
A great addition to your website would be information on how to obtain books and materials of featured writers.
Dear Cliff, I have visited your site and it is not a disappointment. Beautiful! I am reminded of Nahum Tate's great hymn - Through all the changing scenes of life, In trouble and in joy, The praises of my God shall still my heart and tongue employ.- You've come through the valley with your faith flourishing. Praise God! Roy Rea Belfast N.I.
Mr.Gribick and Family, I saw you on the Children's Miracle Networks marathon. Ya'lls story touched my heart. My family will keep you in our Prayers. Thank you for sharing your Testimony.
Great web site. I have really enjoyed it and will book mark it for a re-visit. May God bless you and your work. In Christ Jeff Frederick Pleasant Hill Baptist Church
Hello, Luke, I received your very kind card and that picture of you looking like John Wayne. As we discussed on the Children's Miracle Network broadcast, girls dig guys on horseback. You go, boy!!!!! I consider you to be a good friend of mine, and am grateful beyond words for your faith and courage. The world needs more such young men who inspire. You are definitely a tool in the hand of God. Your dad left me a very nice voicemail today. I'll be in touch on the phone soon. Meantime, keep ridin', keep prayin', and keep that faith!!!!!!!!! Michael Cogdill WYFF-TV
I really enjoyed reading your testimony after meeting Carol this morning at St. Francis. Thank you for sharing your website with me. It is a clear statement of God's overwhelming power.
What an inspirational site! Luke, you and your family are truly gifts from the dear Lord, and I am honored to know you all. Keep up the good work and never give up hope! Love, hugs, and prayers to you all, Dr. Jodi
Hi, this is Lauren Pridgeon who was your waitress today at Aunt Sues, I was wondering what ever happened to make him fall? I was moved by your testimony Luke. Write back to me sometime. If you have aol I would love to talk to you sometime!
Thank you for the uplift I felt while reading the wonderful scriptures and writings. Life is full of encouragement...when we open our eyes. With out the Lord, I would not be. Thank you for being here for people like me! writer and an Encourager for the Lord, Kimberly R. Terry (kterryencouraged@aol.com)
Dear Cliff and Family, You all are continually in our prayers here in VA. We think of you often and thank the Lord for your unique ministry. By the way, I need to send you a copy of the young lady who sings "Oh What a Reason" (the song you introduced to me years ago. Everyone here at church is doing well. Hope to see you again soon. MB
Mr. Gribick Great site and wonderful testimony to the Lord. The interview was tremendous. May the Lord continue to use you in this powerful way. Pastor Tim Locke
hello my name is lindsay and i think that this site is absolutely amazing. thank you so much for all the inspiration, support and help.
i came to know this site from a book of Jim Berg called When Trouble comes, ofcourse i was i trouble so a american pastor who is friend of mine gave the book to read. an intresting and encouraing site , keep up the good works someone from Fiji kpshaju@hotmail.com
Dear Kay Newman, I took the opportunity to check out the website like you recommended as was deeply blessed. Thanks for the tip. I hope to recommend it to a lot of other people that I know are suffering. Mike DeVries
Dear Luke, You are truly a miracle! I am so glad that this website is available to look at the pictures and see how far you have come! You, Jason & Meredith are truly gifts from God and He has given you wonderful and loving parents and grandparents. Love, Aunt Doris & Uncle Greg, Andrew & Paul
I am a personal friend of Kay Newman. She has spoken of your website often. Recently, Mrs. Becky Harris encouraged my sister (Lynda) & I to go to your website for encouragement. Lynda, who lives in AUS has an agressive form of cancer. Mr. & Mrs. Gribbick (I hope that I spelled your name correctly) Your words in your testimony concerning your son's valley were such an encouragement. . . "a dark table had been set concerning (your son's) future. With unspoken words, (you) immediatley set Jesus Christ, the One Who dispels all darkness as the centerpiece for this particular table." Recently, I had been thinking about the fact that the Lord sets a table before us in the presence of our enemies. I pictured the cancer that is destroying Lynda's earthly body as the enemy. I am looking into obtaining a passport so that I can go & be with Lynda & her family. The thought hit me that we need a passport when we leave this earth (John 5:24) Thank you for sharing the blessings amidst the storm. Love, Tina B.
Cliff, It was nice speaking with you the other night. Great website. Jeff Harris
March 16, 2003 Thank you Mr. Gribick for introducing yourself & Luke to me at the grocery store. This website is very inspiring. Your son is so lucky to have parents that trust in the Lord. May God continue to bless you and your family. Kim Ballenger
Hello, my name is Ruth and I live in the UK. I came across your site by accident and the beautiful poetry has really comforted me at this time of the war in Iraq. I have a very old friend Benedicta, who has many emotional and physical problems, I have printed off some of the verses for her, in particular 'Teach my heart' will touch her deeply. Thank you for an oasis of peace and calm in the present day. Love in Christ, Ruth
An inspirition to all that GOD is in control. JC Vaughan
Hi, my name is Renee, and my husband Dan told me he stumbled across your website this morning. On April 26, 2003 our 3-year 10-month 13-day old grandson Devon was run over in our driveway by his uncle. He was with Jesus in an instant; there was no outcry, no suffering...we have felt an incredible peace from prayers which truly are sustaining us at the present time. The shock was immediate but his parents and aunt and uncle along with us, his grandparents, are functioning one day at a time, with God's help. We just hope and pray that Devon's death will draw many unsaved folks to the throne of Grace...Devon would have it no other way. He loved the Lord and his mom always said someday he'd be a preacher. Well, Devon, your life spoke to many people of God's love and your death will hopefully speak to millions more...
I am a friend of Renee's, the grandmother of Devon in the last post. His life and death have already spoken to me, and will definitely speak to many more. I praise God for bringing these beautiful people into my life, and for helping me find my way back to God after my own personal tragedy. Mindy
What a wonderful site and testimony of God's grace and mercy. I was blessed and encouraged by reading every story and every comment. May God bless your ministry. ~ Lydia Hines
Dear Renee I read your guest book entry of May 18th and although words are inadequate and fall short of comfort for times such as these; there is solace in knowing there is One Who understands and brings reassurance during times of difficulty. He is Christ Jesus - the compassionate Shepherd who now cares for His precious lamb Devon. When we established No Tears In Heaven in May of 2000 our purpose was to bring Hope and encouragement to others as found in II Corinthians 1: 3-4 "Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforted us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.” There are two areas of the website I would like to encourage you to visit. First the testimony area and read the Gobble Family testimony “God Makes No Mistakes.” And secondly to visit the media section to listen to the audio tape of Dr. John C. Vaughn - Pastor of Faith Baptist Church, Greenville, South Carolina. The selection is titled “The Fiery Trial.” If you are not able to hear the audio please send a self addressed envelope to our post office box listed at the top of the Guestbook and I will send you the tape. You and Dan along with your family will be in my prayers. Cliff Gribick/ Luke’s Dad Philippians 4:7
What a blessing this site is. I would like to add a story of the life of James Fred Swanson. Fred was a 1992 BJU grad my husband and father of 2. He died in a single engine plane crash in April of 2001. Fred spent his life in the most extraordinary way, serving God to the best of his ability. He had a huge impact on his fellow employees and family and friends. In Fred's and my final semester at BJU, Dr. Bob challenged us to give the first three years of our lives to a ministry. We did just that as we went north to open a small flight school in Wisconsin, serving students from Northland Baptist Bible college. After our 3 years, Fred was offered a position at a company which restores DC3 aircraft. Fred's desire was to travel worldwide and share God's love with those along the way. He got that opportunity. He was able to fly to South America, Iceland, France, Greece, Thailand and Antarctica. It was his dream come true. Then without warning, he took a routine flight close to home to check the systems of a small aircraft and never made it back to the airport. I questioned why for so long. Why would God do this when Fred was in the middle of his will, and doing so much to serve him? I believe that God can do more for his glory through Fred's death than he could through his life. Thank you for the encouragement of this site and the blessing it has been. Mrs. Jennifer Swanson-Harrington 7170 Fhaner Hwy. Potterville, MI 48876 swandc3@cablespeed.com
We have a daughter in Heaven so it is refreshing to share other's stories. i'll have my wife send our story on how God gave us peace in the time of storm. Believe me, I know that God does give peace and grace in time of need, but not before. Thank you for this ministry. We graduated from BJU in l954 and remain loyal to greatest university on earth. Course we are a little biased. Several in our church are BJU grads and currently the pastor has turned over the Weds evening prayer and Bible study time to a BJU grad for as long as he wants to teach. . Judd Dixon is doing a great job. He is 31 and his lessons on right on the Biblical philosophy that he learned at BJU.
The guest book serves as a place for visitors to share how God is working in their lives, following scripture as recorded in II Corinthians 1:3-4, when faced with a life changing event or simply to share words of encouragement. On May 18th 2003, a visitor wrote of the loss of their grandson Devon on April 26th 2003. The family has been very gracious in wanting to share the entire story of what occurred on April 26th and how they are being uplifted through “… God’s grace and the prayers of His saints.” Permission has been granted by Renee Freund, the grandmother of Devon, to share the entire story - in her words - “We hope and pray it will help others in their time of need.” and also has given permission to post her e-mail address if you would like to contact her at: renee_f@excite.com Dear Mr. Gribick, Thanks so much for your quick reply to my entry and for the suggestions. I read the Gobbles' story and printed it off for my children. I love your website because EVERYTHING IS BASED ON THE WORD OF GOD. Our entire family (my husband Dan, myself, our son Jeremy and his wife Maja, our daughter Lindsay and her new husband Jerry) are Christians. The only way we are surviving each day is by God's grace and through the prayers of His saints. Here is our story: Jeremy and Maja and their sons Devon (3-almost 4) and Seth (6 months) sold their house and moved in with us one week before Lindsay and Jerry's wedding, which was on April 12. (Lindsay and Jerry were already living with us.) We live on 12 acres of woods with just enough land cleared away to build our 2400 sq. foot split-level house and detached garage which also has two horse stalls for our horses. Jeremy and his family were in the habit of visiting us every week or two so our grandsons were very close to us. Devon always loved going to Grandpa's house. After all, Grandpa had been filling his head with dreams of doing all kinds of fun stuff with the two tractors Grandpa owns (for fun) ever since he was an infant. On that day, Devon was helping his grandpa by fetching tractor parts. It was a beautiful spring day, a perfect day for a grandpa and his favorite grandson to work on tractors and maybe even take a ride. My son-in-law Jerry pulled up in the Jeep Cherokee Sport he always drove, stopped at the tractors and talked to Dan and Devon. A minute later Dan turned to the tractor as Jerry pulled up the drive and when Dan turned back around, Devon was under the right rear tire of the Jeep. Maja (Devon's mom) was on the deck cutting Jeremy's hair and saw it happen. She's the only one who saw it. Devon was gone in an instant. My husband said the woods was strangely quiet as my daughter, a nurse, did CPR on Devon. He was already gone. Now, one month later, we take turns lifting each other up and crying together. Actually, there isn't a lot of crying anymore.....today Jeremy and Maja took Devon's clothes out of his room and packed them away. There was crying today. But then it's like the clouds part and the sun shines brightly through. It's then that we gather around the dining room table with photos and share precious memories of our little angel. We deeply appreciate your prayers and those of our church family and folks around the world; they are life-sustaining. God bless, Renee Freund renee_f@excite.com
I just heard about your web site on Channel 4. I wish not to mention my name but I know that there are no tears in heaven. I have a 9 year old who is HIV positive and he has been so since birth. I thank God everyday for his health and how far he has come in the 9 years of his life. Your friend
Luke, We have never met, but I go back to your website occasionally to re-read your story. In doing so, I feel your faith and strength and it keeps me going. One always feels their troubles are the worse until they hear about someone elses. It reminds me of the story of the man who has no shoes, but then he sees a man that has no feet. I think of you often and your dad too. You see, we are family, and I am your cousin Susan. Stay strong my man!
Dear Luke, It's your old speech therapist Richard. Hope you are having some fun while summer is still here. Guess where I am right now?... Right, catching up at work. It's amazing how much this website grows everytime I "visit" it! I can't imagine how many lives you and your family have touched. I feel blessed to have had the experience working with you. Luke, you will always hold a special place in my heart and life. Much Love & Best wishes. Richard
hi my name is cindy i have a head injury i've had my head injury since i was 4 years old. i just stubbled on you're website, i love it a whole lot. and i'm trying to seek help and trying to live a normal life. it's really not easy for me. it's hard for me i have been through a whole lot of stress. and i'm working on going back to school to get my ged. and i'm also working on contiuning my education too. i have been through a whole lot of things in my life. i pray for all those who have head injuries like me. cindy cindy
Dear Cindy, Thank you for visiting No Tears In Heaven and sharing your words of encouragement to others who may be experiencing a difficult time in life. If you will please forward your mailing address to our ministry, as listed in our guest book, I will be more than happy to send you a special book “ More Precious Than Gold” and a cd of the Naselli family as found in the testimony area of No Tears In Heaven. Sincerely, Cliff Gribick/ Luke’s Dad - Philippians 4:7
Dear Cliff, Thanks so much for the inspiration. I have added Luke to my ever-growing enormous prayer list. None of us can ever understand God's ways, however, I sure hope to get some wonderful incites from Him in the future. May the Lord bless you and your family abundantly for all of your help. In His Service, Pat Sherman
I found one of you cards in a publix grocery store where I work and though I would visit your site, and I am glad I did. It's amazing how the Lord takes care of his children all of the time, especially in our toughest trials. It made me think of Isaiah 40:29-31 He giveth power to the faint and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. even the youth shall faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fall: but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not be faint. It is a blessing to have read the testimony of all the families on this site and I am glad that someone left the card in publix. Thanks, Anthony
This website is wonderful and such a blessing...I'm going to pass it on for others to visit you here...may God bless you for your encouraging testimonies, etc. to encourage other Christians as they go through trials. Paul & Barbara Summers
Learned of this website from a co-worker. I read about Nathaniel Marsceau and have the surgery date on my calendar and I have and will continue to pray for this family. God IS good and I believe is still in the miracle working business!!! P.U.S.H. (Pray Until Something Happens)
Thank you for you ministry. Certainly there are many who will be encouraged by the testimonies and the gospel here. Valerie Ann Knies Missionary with my husband, Jim, in Pécs, Hungary www.valerieknies.com
A very special lady that I work with recommended that I visit this sight and I thank her for it. No Tears In Heaven is wonderful. Have a great day. Amber
Did you somehow make it through Christmas while you had a loved one far away in active service? I know it's not Christmas any more, but we all need a little more Christ in out lives all year long. I want to share the lyrics to a song I wrote. Many hearts have been lifted & touched whenever I share,...so I'll just go on sharing: "Red, White & Green" (The Colors of Christmas) There's a momma talkin' on the phone Tellin' all her friends how her boy has grown She's so proud of him out on his own He's a soldier now you know, he had to go... There's a little sis with a brother so tall Her hero every time she'd fall Her heart her knees, he could mend them all He's a soldier now you know, he had to go... This Christmas, Red White & Green Have turned Red White & Blue And I'm tryin' to find a way To face Christmas without you. There's a papa when his day is done Reminiscing all the mischief and the fun He didn't know how much he'd miss his son He's a soldier now you know, he had to go... There's a little girl with daddy's eyes Such a brave child when saying her goodbyes And when he held her up she could touch the skies He's a soldier now you know, he had to go... This Christmas, Red White & Green Have turned Red White & Blue And I'm tryin' to find a way To face Christmas without you, But I still have the One For whom Christmas bears its name With Him there can be Christmas just the same. There's a little boy with curly head And each night there beside his bed He prays for his mom, and these words are said: "She's a soldier now, you already know,... Could you please bring her safely home?" This Christmas, Red White & Green Have turned Red White & Blue And I'm tryin' to find a way... Red White and Green Have turned Red White & Blue And I'm tryin' to find a way To face Christmas without you, But I still have the One For whom Christmas bears its name With Him there can be Christmas With Him there can be Christmas Just the same.... Well, almost the same.... There can be Christmas just the same. ******* If this song speaks to your heart, strengthens your testimony, and lifts your spirit, please send your comments to: tibbsgang@hotmail.com Your words could help make it possible for me to send this message of comfort in Christ to everyone whose soul is thirsting for it. Record companies are not always crazy about the idea of producing music with a Christian message. I need your help. Thank you. Also, the lyrics are copyright protected, but you may print them to share with a loved one if you wish.
Dear Friends, A couple of weeks ago I had the privilege to meet Luke Gribick and his father Cliff. We exchanged testimonies, and I am still marveling at the attitude that Luke has. Not once did Luke's countenance fall. I must have spent an hour or so talking with Luke and Cliff, and during that time, the grace of Christ shone on Luke's face. If anyone ever had a reason to have a bad attitude or feel sorry for himself, it would be Luke; this however is not the case. Luke is truly filled with the fruit of the Spirit, and it is not hidden, for the joy of the Lord shines from his face. Today I seen Luke and his father again, and Luke is still smiling. Thank you Luke for what you have taught me. May God richly bless you, keep you, and cause His face to shine upon you, as you have shone upon others. In Christian love, Harold N. Brandeberry
It was a a blessing meeting your family, if I can be of assistance, please call. Tony Trout
will be praying for luke gribick
Dear Cliff, I am the lady that called today for the extention on our truck. I know after reading most of your web site why it struck me to call today. God works in very mysterious ways. thank you so much for sharing and adding brightness to my day. I was very much touched by yor sons journey and many of the other stories told. I know that God has been working through you to reach so many. Thank you for sharing. Mary
The following e-mail was sent to Mrs. Fremont by a visitor from Singapore. Mrs. Fremont would like to share the e-mail as a testimony of encouragement to others who may be experiencing a time of testing. Mrs. Fremont’s complete testimony, Strength In The Valley Of Life, may be found in the Peace Be Still area of No Tears In Heaven. Subject: Greetings Date: 9/8/2004 5:09:50 am Eastern Standard Time From: weich@singnet.com.sg To: Tfremont@aol.com Hello Mrs. Fremont, I’ve heard about you and your husband from Dr. Carson Fremont who had been to my church this week for my church’s anniversary. He mentioned briefly about his brothers suffering from ALS and I wanted to find out more about his brothers testimony. Well, I found yours instead on the net, and I must thank you for having written that testimony because it was very encouraging. Indeed, the Lord makes no mistakes and we ought to find it a state of blessedness for having to endure the trials of our faith for His sake. May the Lord continue to bless you with His unfailing presence. Serving Christ and His saints, Pastor WeiChee Singapore
The clouds came yesterday, my husband has a kidney disease that is not responding to medication. He will undergo more tests this week and possibly have chemotherapy beginning soon and another kidney biopsy. My tears flowed as we prayed together and surrendered to God's will and plan last night. He IS sufficient. He is not surprised or bewildered. He gives "joy in the midst of sorrow, peace in the midst of pain." My husband is self employed and his medical insurance runs out in 3 months...he is now considered uninsurable...yet God's assurances never run out, expire, or don't cover a condition we may face. We pray that we will honor the Lord by our trust and that our 8 children will learn to trust Him more through this difficulty. Is. 51:3 Anna C Smith
I call a miracle to encounter this wonderful site! O glory be to God who Has many vessels to address different kinds of human needs. I believe no one is too strong that he doesn't need encouragement or too weak that he can't encourage others. I am born again pastor with a pentecostal Church in Tanzania and CEO of a local NGO. This morning one of my staff came late. When i called him to my office wanting to know reasons for that he shared his family problems. I felt touched by his problems. In short, he's recently married to a lady who has no employment but depended on by her mother. This guy is a last born in his family of separated and old parents who both depend on him. He is staying with his father which is a source of conflict as the mother thinks he is enjoying more while she is not. This is second family problem. The 3rd is the wife had a child b4 marrying this but did not disclose it. Now it has been know and the 5 year boy of his wife has mild mental retardation. All these problems are gazing at him for solution! What would you say a staff like this who says is not healthy psychologically? Having shared my testimony with him, I directed him to Jesus. He was encouraged and made a decision to turn back to Jesus as he had received him when in form 2 and in 2002 b4 joining my NGO thru my efforts. Then ultimately, I discovered this site and shared promise of hope and are you hunting which blessed him very much! Now I have directed him to the site to read for himself! Isn't that a miracle? I pray that God continue using this site to touch many souls! It is me Nico Eatlawe: eatlawe@hotmail.com
My mother cut out the page in the Greenville News about your site here. I have a progressive disease of the autonomic nervous system that has no human cure. This site is so encouraging! Being of college age, going in and out of college, being forced to live at home b/c of my disability, being in constant pain...it's great to see a site with hope of heaven. Most of the sites I go to about my illness are pretty hopeless. Praise God for people like you. ALittleSpunky105@Juno.com
AS I read your story I became very interested. My 17 year old son was ejected from the car on March 13, 2004. The roller coaster of life and death began as I saw them put him on the helicopter for the ride to Greenville Memorial Hospital. He was not expected to live. We endured 33 days of living and dying. He was in a coma for 69 days. He was in PICU for 33 days and then to the pediatric floor and then to Roger C. Peace where he emerged from the coma on May 20. He is at home now but he does not talk, or walk, or eat. Jared turned 18 on April 27. The burden of total care for him because we have 3 other children sometimes seems more than I can take but I know that God only gives me what I can take so I go on. I am a teacher and my husband stays home with him. Your encouragement strengthens me. I know there is a greater purpose in all of this, but my heart just wants to know what it is. Tricia Green
Dear Tricia, Reading your guestbook entry stirs memories of February 2,2000 when I received the call at work that my son, Luke, suffered a cardiac arrest. From that moment forward the life for our family would be changed dramatically but not without Hope. In the midst of our trials God’s grace and mercy sustained our lives and still provides spiritual strength to endure. From personal experience I can understand the demands placed on your family, from Jared’s auto accident, but be assured God loves you and cares for your family situation. There is no challenge too great for God, no circumstance that surprises God, and no crisis He does not care about. The assurance of this is not found in the words of man but the only Word counted to be True, God’s Word - The Bible: “Ah Lord GOD! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee: Jeremiah 32:7 "Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, Thou understandest my thoughts afar off. Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word in my tongue but, lo, O Lord, Thou knowest it altogether" Psalm 139: 2-4 “Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.” Luke 12:5-7 Or perhaps the uncertainty of the days ahead rise and fall like an unsettling sea. Be assured there is One who will bring you safely into to a haven of rest - His name is Jesus. Where scripture records :“And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full. And He was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto Him, Master, carest thou not that we perish? And He arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.” Mark 4: 37-39 Jesus will calm your storm if you let Him and with it He will bring salvation and assurance of eternal peace, providing the grace and mercy in times of testing. The Promise of Hope area of No Tears In Heaven is an area that may also be of help in bringing additional peace during these difficult times. If you will write to our ministry at the P.O box listed in the guestbook I would like to send you and your husband a special gift. Cliff Gribick No Tears In Heaven
Thank you so much for this website. My life seems to spiral out of my control. I know that it is in His control. Not mine. But sometimes it just seems to painful to take. I was at rock-bottom yesterday. My husband has suffered two TBI's over the course of his life. One when he was 6 and one about 16 years ago. He is now 40. He was miraculously spared when the car fell on him. But he is suffering. He healed physically. But he is having problems. He is irritated and angry all the time. He has double vision and severe headaches. He has memory problems. He remembers very little of the early part of our marriage. How happy and in love we were before the accident. It will be 19 years in May. He talks of leaving. I don't believe he wants to go. He did this for a year about two or three years ago and never did. He loves me. I know he does. But he can't seem to break through the hold this injury has on his mind. His brain. Reading the promise of hope section has helped me to turn my troubles over to God more. I'm still struggling. But thank you for all your efforts. You are a wonderful family. Patty Boyd normare@mail2adventure.com
This website is so inspiring. Thank you for being here & putting it on the Internet. It has helped me a lot in the last few days. K.D.R
I am so happy for your son I am a caregiver I will put my faith into helping people.I work with people that the nurses are saying that their movement is nuerological I have worked with these people and they are moving their legs as i am asking them to I just sat a man in a chair after a year of him not being in one I just started and I see great progress thank you for writing your story and god bless you and your faimly your story was very inspiring.nejatsaid@yahoo.com
Luke, It was great seeing you and your dad at the Brain Injury Support Group meeting a few weeks ago. You have gotten to be such a big young man that I can hardly recognize you. Good luck with the girlfriend. If you have any tips, please share. Cliff it was good seeing you too. Hope your book gets published soon. Take care, Richard DuBose.
March 2005 to October 2007 entries
Thank you for your website. It is a daily struggle
sometimes to continue on without giving in to temptation. My wife is
chronically ill, two of my daughters have major health issues, one of my
sons is bipolar, my other son has a pre-cancerous condition. It is very
hard sometimes to cope with all the stresses of life. The devil offers
short-term releif but long-term suffering. Please pray for my family and
I that we can overcome these issues.
rfsuper@aol.com |
Cindy Perez
I met Cliff and his family when my husband and I
attended their church while visiting from Augusta, Georgia. We are
street preachers with the Great News Network, and rejoiced in the
information given to us that we could make available to others in our
perezfamily@bellsouth.net |
Shelli Stine
I am just starting to explore this site, but it
is a wonderful gift to all of us who suffer for our children with
special needs. Thank you, Cliff for your ministry and your
encouragement in Christ's name. |
I am glad you have this web site. Our family has
been looking for information and other families with a teen that had
sudden heart death. My son had sudden heart death also. This web site
has helped our family understand what we can look forward to with him.
His happened in March of 2006, he was 17 years old then. He was in a
coma for 7 1/2 weeks, in PICU for 9 weeks. Then he went to a rehab
hospital for 5 weeks. He came home in a wheelchair. He continued to go
to out patient rehab for another 3 months. He is doing okay, but we
have alot of concerns how things will progress with him. Please e-mail
me so that I can ask some questions and exchange stories. Thanks and
God Bless your family. Matt |
Darryl Lehman
I really appreciate his daily testimony and his
resolve to serve The LORD Jesus Christ. May God greatly bless him and
his family and his church. |
I just wanted to say thank you for letting me know about your site. |
Gregg Duncan
Thanks for sharing Luke's story. I remember the
day Cliff got the call at work. It is amazing to see what God has done
in Luke's life. I pray that Luke will continue to grow stronger
physically, as well as spiritually. |
Tiffany Pitkin
Dear Mr. Gribick: tpitkin2@yahoo.com |
Dawn Burdick
I just visited the Luke Gribick story. My heart
is aching. Perhaps because I have two young boys that I love so much.
I know that God hears our prayers and I know that with Him all things
are possible and I send you my love. |
R.M. Smith
Greetings In Christ Jesus. |
kathy mccann
My daughter suffered cardiac arrest during gym
class in 9th grade, 2-1/2 years ago. She did not receive CPR from the
school staff and she was in a coma for a month, then 3 months at a
rehab hospital. Now she is 17, in special ed classes, walks slowly,
has balance problems and serioud short term memory and cognitive
damage. We mourn the girl we lost and try to stay on God's plan with
the "new girl". She has no friends any more and that breaks
my heart. We are looking for post-secondary schools for her. Any
ideas? I would love to correspond with you....it is so hard to find
others who survived an anoxic BI and are still relatively functional. mdougmccann@aol.com |
Janice Morchower
On Jan.12,2006 My grandaughter who was 9mths Suffered an anoxic-hypoxic B.I. She is by the grace of God eating on her own, breathing on her own, and making daily progress. Our family celebrated her 1st B.D. on March 28th. This expierence has deepened my faith as well as many others. |
As a former Navy Brat myself I understand what
the families of those on their missions are facing. It is very
difficult for the children who hurt and fear and want and need. And
then hard for the parents at home trying to help children with those
fears while having some of their own. I pray for each and every
military family. You and your family strengthen America and it is a
great gift you give to the citizens of our country. Thank You |
This is such a wonderful site! |
Karen Karp
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you |